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Community & Testimonials

  • Owners' review

    After researching the market, the choice fell on the Hanse 315, which combines optimal sailing characteristics with the right level of comfort and is also ideally suited for sailing novices. We are very happy for the new generation of sailors from Maersk and hope they enjoy their new boat!

    Maersk - Hanse 315 Owner
  • Owners' review

    "For our two-man crew, the 348 is just the right size. It offers enough space for everything we need. Especially in times of the Coronavirus we learned to love the big bath at the beginning of the season, because in the federal state of Schleswig-Holstein, for example, the showers in the marina were closed.

    As a Greifswald native, it was clear to us from the very beginning that only a Hanse would be considered. We have not regretted this decision at all. It is top-notch in terms of both comfort and sailing performance."

    Benk and Jenny Boldt - Hanse 348 Owners
  • Owners' review

    Picking up our yacht from Greifswald was a special adventure for all of us. While I was at the wheel motoring down the River Ryck, only one thought ran round my head: This is really my boat now!

    Mikael Lönnroth - Hanse 388 Owner
  • Review

    “Hanse's bold decision to change designers has obviously paid off. The Hanse 460 skilfully fulfils its task of offering a voluminous hull that is nevertheless powerful. The boat wins you over with its attractive aesthetics, enjoyable sailing and the feeling of an even bigger yacht.”

    Toby Hodges - Yachting World
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